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Social Studies - US History - Pre-Assessment
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These answers are used to assess progress and will not be part of your grade in social studies.
Relax and don't worry if you don't have an answer. Just try your best. I did not expect you to know all or even any of this in the beginning of the year, but you will try again today and show what you learned. Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
1. What did the Turks do that affected trade between Europe and Asia?
They closed trade routes to Asia
They built the Silk Road
They invented the astrolabe
They sailed around the tip of Africa
2. Why did Christopher Columbus sail west from Spain?
To find a new route to Asia
To discover the Ocean Sea
To conquer the Aztecs
Because of the Reconquista
3. To spread Christianity through its new lands, Spain established…
4. What was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas?
Roanoke Island
5. The triangular trade routes connected…
England, the English colonies in the North America and the west of Africa.
Salem, Boston and Providence.
Europe, Asia and the Americas.
the Connecticut River, Long Island Sound and Massachusetts Bay.
6. Anne Hutchinson was expelled from the Puritan Church because…
she was one of Roger Williams’ followers in Salem.
she questions the authority and teachings of Puritan ministers.
she baked bread on Sundays.
she moved to a Narragansett village and abandoned English ways.
7. The land between the coastal plains and the Appalachian Mountains is called the…
Great Wagon Route.
Fall Line.
8. The Dutch called their new colony in North America…
New York.
Dutch West India.
New Netherland.
9. The book that Benjamin Franklin published each year with a calendar, weather forecasts, storie, jokes and wise saying was called…
The Pennsylvania Gazette.
The Philadelphia Journal.
Poor Richard’s Almanac.
The Schuylkill Register.
10. A person who agreed to work for another person without pay for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to North America was…
a slave.
an immigrant.
a minister.
an indentured servant.
11. Cash crops grow on southern plantation included…
corn, wheat and rye.
tobacco, rice and indigo.
pumpkins, squash and tomatoes.
cattle, pigs and sheep.
12. James Oglethorpe founded the Georgia colony in order to…
give debtors a new start
make money from cash crops.
get away from the summer insect infestation on his plantation.
allow colonists the freedom to worship in their own way.
13. Why were the battles at Lexington and Concord so important?
They marked the beginning of the war with Britain.
They marked the end of the French and Indian War.
The minutemen won both battles.
The British were defeated.
14. Why did the English colonies not support the Albany Plan?
The colonies did not want to go to war.
The colonies did not want to form an alliance with the Iroquois.
The colonies were not willing to work together for a common goal.
The colonies were united against the British.
15. After Thomas Paine published Common Sense, many colonist urged…
Independence from the British.
Compromise with the British.
Allegiance to the king.
Changes to the Declaration of Independence.
16. What did the victory at Saratoga show the French?
The British were winning the war.
The Americans stood a chance of winning the war.
The war was ending,
The French should stay out of the war.
17. A form of government in which people elect representatives is called...
a confederation.
a republic.
a congress.
an audience.
19. Why did Jeffereson purchase the Louisiana Territory from France?
to keep Louisiana out of Spanish control.
to set up military headquarters.
to establish a port for farmers in the Northwest Territory.
to improve the Unites States's relationship with Spain.
18. Under the Federal System, states gave up some rights. Which of the following did they keep?
the right to raise money by taxing citizens.
the right to raise armies and navies.
the right to make treaties with other countries.
the right to print money.
20. What President issued a doctrine stating that European nations must stop colonizing lands in North America?
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
James Madison
John Quincy Adams
21. The conflict that started the Civil War took place a…
Williamsburg, Virginia.
Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Antietam Creek, Maryland.
22. One major effect of the Civil War was that…
the United States never again admitted a new state to the Union.
Northerners were not allowed to settle in the South.
Southerners were not allowed to vote.
the Southern economy suffered many hardships.
23. The term manifest destiny referred to a belief that the United States should…
stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
avoid involvement in all foreign conflicts.
close the Western Hemisphere.
ratify the Constitution.
24. Dred Scott argued that he should be free because....
his owner had died.
he had moved often from one area to another.
he had once lived in a free state.
the Missouri Comprimise kept people from owning property.
25. During Reconstruction the Southern states were under military rule because…
the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution allowed Congress to do so.
Abraham Lincoln's assassination angered many Northerners.
legislators began to pass laws limiting the rights of former slaves.
it was a way to return the rights of American citizenship to most Confederates.